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Invisalign® in Atlanta and Marietta, GAInvisalign® has quickly become a fan-favorite among patients who wish to improve their smiles without having to go through a traditional treatment with metal braces. That being said, there’s still a lot of misinformation spread about how easy Invisalign® is versus the results they provide. Dr. Wright and his team are here to let you know how often you need to wear your Invisalign® trays to achieve the best results from your Invisalign® treatment.

How Invisalign® Works

Invisalign® works by slowly shifting the position of the teeth over time using custom-made invisible aligner trays. Every one to two weeks, patients will be asked to change out their aligner tray for a new one that fits a little more snug against the teeth. Over a series of months, the small shifting in each aligner tray allows for real and dramatic results.

Your Invisalign® Results

Invisalign® results won’t happen overnight. That being said, many of our patients report being able to see a noticeable difference in their teeth’s appearance in as little as 10 to 12 weeks. Each patient is different and may require a different timeline to achieve their ultimate desired results. Most patients are typically able to reap the full benefits of their Invisalign® treatments within 18 months of putting in their initial trays.

How to Get the Best Results from Your Invisalign® Treatment

It’s important for our patients to know a few guidelines in order to achieve the best results from their Invisalign® treatments. Here are a few key notes Dr. Wright shares with each of his patients before fitting them for Invisalign® trays:

  • Patients are able to see the best results from their Invisalign® when they wear their trays between 20 and 22 hours each day. This means only taking out the Invisalign® trays to brush your teeth, floss, and eat.
  • In order to ensure you get the best results from your Invisalign® treatments, we encourage our patients to be diligent in keeping their maintenance appointments. Switching your trays often and seeing your orthodontist regularly can ensure you get the best results possible while you have your aligners.
  • Ask for help if you need it. Asking patients to be open and honest with us is a big priority we have at our office. You’re the only person that knows what’s going on with your teeth and how they feel. Ask Dr. Wright questions about your treatment if you’re unsure about something and always keep an open line of communication.

If you’re interested in learning more about when or how to get started with your orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to contact us and set up your private consultation with Dr. Wright. He’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your teeth, and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get a smile you can be proud of.